Yaxchilán, Lintel 24 - K2887 © Justin Kerr - Haga clic para ver la resolución alta Peter Mathews and Peter Bíró
Dibujos © John Montgomery


Significado(s):  n.  fox  /  zorro(a)    

Deletreo(s) de Jeroglífico:  (1)  AJ-ch'a-ma

Número(s) Thompson:  (1)  12-93-142

Transcripción(s) Estrecha:  ajchama[k] Mathews and Zender 1999:105  

Comentarios:The only attested syllabic spelling of this word (Palenque 'War Panel' K1) is not spelled with the final -k. There is a possible example of this word at Tikal (Marcador H3) with a ch'a- prefix (but no AJ!) followed by an animal head which is possibly the Early Classic logogram CH'AMAK.

Vea También: aj derives nouns denoting an agent , he/she who is ...

Ultimo Cambio:26-Oct-2005

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